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Emerging Technologies

I have selected Big Data Technologies as one of the emerging technologies because it uses software tools to manage datasets to transform them into business insights. Basically, putting my ideas into one software to generate one location for students, colleagues, clients and the community to have access to. Big Data can make my design and thoughts into a professional portfolio it would take me forever to establish. Once I have gained more knowledge and completed a hands-on experience, I would be able to make education learning not only more interesting but also, smarter. The students of this generation have the technology skills to advance but as a professor, I want to be on the same level but with a different twist.

I also selected Internet of Things because it recognizes and provides faster customer needs. Brilliant. The development of hands-on experiences to the classroom in one settle can dismiss so much time and overhead which is also cost effective. I like the idea of bringing practical lessons, structures and ideas to this platform then processing it to the technological result. Once the new trends have been identified, I can use Internet of Things to not only keep up but also present the next emerging technology using this platform. Since Internet of Things has already produced smart appliances and devices to make living and driving less stressful and “safer,” what if we can use the same insight to make learning, submitting assignments, researching and paper writing the same. Internet of Things can also assist working adults who are looking to achieve higher education with time management. Although we do not have the I Robots to cook dinner for us yet, we can at least utilize this platform to eliminate at least one function out of our day.