I started out being accessed with the use of a red and white bubble form with a #2 pencil. We would circle in the answers we felt were correct and submit it to the instructor. They would process it in a machine or manually and depending on the selections, you would be categorized, although there were not many categories. Now, the student assessments derived from using AI-based systems, Technology Acceptance Models, and NETS*S (Sanchez, 2020). On different scales, there may be concerns for the adult learners as there has to be trust and confidence to rely on an Artificial Intelligence to process results (Huggins, 2014). In contrast, the direction of education has geared so much with the use of technology, that teachers would have to utilize AI based modules to keep up with this changing world.
Mentimeter assessment tools benefits and assist classroom progress with an array of templates to select. Brillant! There is less effort in constructing your own assessment, in which you could, but if the teacher is on the go or just thought of the use of an assessment to get a point across, they could use a template. Since mentimeter is free to use, students can quiz themselves. Plugging in questions and testing their knowledge with the potential of being a scholar student equals more engagement with the lessons (Gerencer, 2020).
Socrative assessment tool and Google Forms is the quicker go-to for teachers due to method to produce results quicker from grading tests to being provided results of a personality skills test. Google forms can be used to create multiple quizzes to disperse to different persons to retrieve the same results, (Gerencer, 2020). Socrative and Google Forms provides the instructors with suggestions of what to do differently to increase student cognitive levels and how to administer the quizzes to fit different learning styles. (Gerencer, 2020) stated, “It works on smart phones, tablets, laptops, and other devices on MS Windows, Android, and iOS.”
If you plan on utilizing an assessment tool, find one that benefits your teaching style and that will produce results for the conclusion your trying to make.
Thank you.
Gerencer, T. 2020. 5 Best Online Assessment Tools for Teachers. www.Hp.com/HP TECH TAKES/Exploring today’s technology for tomorrow’s possibilities.
Huggins, A. C., Ritzhaupt, A. D., & Dawson, K. (2014). Measuring Information and Communication Technology Literacy using a performance assessment: Validation of the Student Tool for Technology Literacy (ST2L). Computers & Education, 77, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2014.04.005
José Carlos Sánchez-Prieto, Juan Cruz-Benito, Roberto Therón, & Francisco García-Peñalvo. (2021). Assessed by Machines: Development of a TAM-Based Tool to Measure AI-based Assessment Acceptance Among Students. International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 6(4), 80–86. https://doi.org/10.9781/ijimai.2020.11.009