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Enhancing adult learning with games and simulations.

Games and simulations can impact adult education through rewards, incentives, interaction, and completion-oriented designs. As (Bonk, 2011) stated, educational games have motivational learning abilities if boredom with the same assimilation does not occur immediately. (Willis, 2011) notes individualized achievements can steer the brain to perceive a challenge, with the possibility of success which ignites energy and releases the dopamine reward circuit. Adult learning games and simulations can be used in all aspects of education, such as learning a new language. Using the Duolingo app to learn Spanish has interactive sessions and rewards when achieving to another level. The creativity of the learning bird to keep you attentive and assist with pronunciation provides a childlike educational adventure.

(Designing Digitally, 2019) advised, “There are some challenges in implementing games, but substantial research shows how a well-designed game-based learning module can positively impact learners. A survey from Talent LMS shows that almost 79% of learners believe they will be more motivated to take a course if it is game-like. So, it is time to give game-based learning its due and embrace it instead of treating it as a distraction.” Game-like education can boost motivation and enhance problem-solving skills and public speaking if designed and appropriately administered.

I would use game-based learning and simulations throughout the course assignments to create teamwork and broaden the topic with a different view of learning. Game-based learning would not be the course, and it would be a module for the course to change the variance of teaching and eliminate stagnation from not only the students but the teacher.


Bonk, C. J. (2011). The world is open: How web technology is revolutionizing education. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Willis, J. (2011). A neurologist makes the case for the video game model as a learning tool. to an external site..

Designing Digitally. 2019. Using games in Adult Learning.