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Social networking and adult learning

Two social media network technologies that would enhance adult learning are Facebook and Podcast. Utilizing social media platforms for adult learning is a different but team-building idea. Besides, students can learn anywhere, during a time that balances work/life experience, and different social media sites provide choice (Salman, 2015). Social media platforms can also benefit persons who reside in poorly networked communities that may need access to Wi-Fi or stable internet (Pimmer, 2016). With social media, students can still collaborate via messages from apps such as WhatsApp or Messenger.
In my previous course experience, we had a Facebook group to discuss assignments, ask homework questions, and connect on a different level. With so many students in the class, it was hard to get to know each other, such as our different characteristics, cultures, personalities, humor, career roles, and goals. At the end of the course, we continued to communicate and build rapport as new social media friends instead of classmates.

Podcast, or Podcasting, “includes becoming skillful in and comfortable with new technology” (Salman, 2015). Developing new and better ways to engage adult education, Podcasting can produce online press from students and provide extra knowledge on different topics from different sources (Luna, 2011). Education has adapted to a fast-paced, changing society; however, more learning opportunities have become ever-present (Luna, 2011). Podcast, such as Ted Talk, provides an individual’s contemplative choice to reflect on something new as part of the learning process (Luna, 2011). Ted Talk has presentations of unspoken topics that would provide a balanced opinion, humor, exercises or acts or participation, emotions, and prompts a new way of thinking. Ted Talks are informative as presenters are articulate, thorough, and detailed about the topics presented.

I would incorporate Facebook to encourage students to create a group to work on projects and brainstorm discussions to obtain different opinions from colleagues worldwide. Podcasts can enlighten a better understanding or provide a voice to the students on a different platform to increase their confidence in their scholarly journey.

Thank you.


Luna, G., & Cullen, D. (2011). Podcasting as Complement to Graduate Teaching: Does it Accommodate Adult Learning Theories? International Journal of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education23(1), 40–47.

Salmon, G., Ross, B., Pechenkina, E., & Chase, A.-M. (2015). The Space for Social Media in Structured Online Learning. Research in Learning Technology23.

Pimmer, C., Chipps, J., Brysiewicz, P., Walters, F., Linxen, S., & Gröhbiel, U. (2016). Supervision on Social Media: Use and Perception of Facebook as a Research Education Tool in Disadvantaged Areas. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning17(5), 200–214.