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Feleicia Mason

I am a 44-year-old African American female currently residing in Los Angeles CA with my family. I'm a Program Manager in Homeless Services but still trying to find my niche. I've always had a passion for helping people, I just want to stay excited about it.

Technology that supports Digital Citizenship

Although the internet has been around for many generations, digital citizenship has yet to be recognized or known by many. Digital Health and Welfare is an essential aspect of digital citizenship, whether in a personal or professional setting. We hear of persons suffering from sleep deprivation, pain in their neck or posture, and vision strain… Read More »Technology that supports Digital Citizenship


As technology evolves through different generations, opportunities to access education have to change. Unfortunately, many countries cannot access reliable networking sources or institutions; distant learning would be the next option. When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, everything shut down, including in-person schooling. Most of all institutions provide education online, including K-12. That provided an opportunity for… Read More »OPEN AND DISTANCE EDUCATION FOR LEARNING

How games, simulations, and virtual environments enhance adult learning.

As noted by (Cavallo 2012), instead of teaching a topic like math, students would hate it, providing an option for them to love to learn. As a parent, helping my child with homework has been a pain to say the least. However, with the different avenues for learning such as singing, videos, and games has… Read More »How games, simulations, and virtual environments enhance adult learning.

Enhancing adult learning with games and simulations.

Games and simulations can impact adult education through rewards, incentives, interaction, and completion-oriented designs. As (Bonk, 2011) stated, educational games have motivational learning abilities if boredom with the same assimilation does not occur immediately. (Willis, 2011) notes individualized achievements can steer the brain to perceive a challenge, with the possibility of success which ignites energy… Read More »Enhancing adult learning with games and simulations.

Social networking and adult learning

Two social media network technologies that would enhance adult learning are Facebook and Podcast. Utilizing social media platforms for adult learning is a different but team-building idea. Besides, students can learn anywhere, during a time that balances work/life experience, and different social media sites provide choice (Salman, 2015). Social media platforms can also benefit persons… Read More »Social networking and adult learning

Multimedia resources to enhance educational learning.

Two multimedia resources displaying a different learning framework in educational technologies are Podcasting and Flickr (online images). The use of podcasts can not only support students who may be shy about public speaking but also give them a voice on topics they may have a passion for expressing (Richardson, 2010). Podcast assignments can be introduced… Read More »Multimedia resources to enhance educational learning.

Educational Technologies

I selected Microlearning and Social Learning for an engaging and non-engaging emerging technology. As a professional, busy mom, wife, student, and volunteer, microlearning would be beneficial to my scholarly enhancement. Microlearning provides student with the information they need, on each subject, in a smaller compartment and to their understanding (Admin TED, 2023). Instead of pouring… Read More »Educational Technologies

Emerging Technologies

I have selected Big Data Technologies as one of the emerging technologies because it uses software tools to manage datasets to transform them into business insights. Basically, putting my ideas into one software to generate one location for students, colleagues, clients and the community to have access to. Big Data can make my design and… Read More »Emerging Technologies